For whatever reason RH 8 uses GDM by default even if your running a KDE
destop. To get a Graphical login to another machine you must:
1. On the machine you want to access, edit /etc/Xll/gdm/gdm.conf and
look for the xdmcp section. In that section "Enable" should be set to
"1". You can then either restart the computer or run "pkill gdm" as
root user.
2. Switch to a text console (ctrl-alt-F2), login and type:
X -query IPofHostComputer :1
(where IPofHostComputer is the IP or hostname of the machine you made
the change to in step 1.)
This should startup a second X display with a GDM login for the other
computer, provided you are not blocking access with RH's build in
IPTABLES firewall.
2. On the remote computer
On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 13:37, John wrote:
> Back on Jan 21, Ian was on this list talking to someone
> about stuff like ~X :0 -query <box ip> and XDMCP and
> more.
> Since that time, I've been trying to make one Linux box
> talk to another, without success.
> One of the biggest strengths of X is the ability to
> have the X Server remote from the application client.
> Great, I understand the concept, and now I'd like to
> see it in front of my eyes.
> I've gone through a three-inch stack of how-tos, mini-
> how tos, manpages, and google-groups printouts.
> People tell you to "X -query yyyyy" (as above), and
> "ssh -X stuff" and "startx" and "startkde" and "export
> DISPLAY=somebody:0" and xhost and xauth and magic
> cookies and on and on. I've tried them all, in various
> permutations and combinations.
> Obviously I haven't yet hit on the right combination,
> and I realize this makes me the stupidest person in the
> universe, but I just don't get it.
> Ok, if I can get any advice, here's where I am:
> I have two Linux boxes, both exactly identical,
> installed with RH8. They both have KDE desktop,
> and DO NOT have Gnome. Both machines have an
> account "john" (as well as root, of course).
> In addition, there is a third box with a local
> DNS server.
> The two boxes are static ip, named:
> ( ) and
> ( ).
> Both of them can ping or ssh the other.
> Both of them, for now, have a keyboard/monitor/mouse connected.
> Both of them, for now, boot up to a graphic login screen.
> OBJECTIVE NUMBER 1: I would just like to control the
> two machines, using a graphic KDE environment, on ONE
> keyboard/monitor. In other words, replace a KVM switch.
> Also, I don't want VNC, for now.
> If using ssh makes it easier, that's fine, but right now
> I'm just trying to learn, so I don't care about security.
> A big part of my problem is that I don't understand where
> I'm supposed to be when I start off. I assume I should
> Ctl-Alt-F1 to a VC, on the machine that I will use as a
> remote--is that right? Is it all right that a graphic
> login screen has been started on both machines? Or
> should I telinit 3 to kill the X servers on both?
> I dunno. Can anybody help me with STEP ONE?!
> Assume that I walk up to two machines, freshly booted,
> both showing a graphic login screen. I want to control
> both machines from ALPHA. Now what?
> John
-- Ryland Bingham <> T3 Technologies
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