Re: [SLUG] Copy and paste???

From: Frank Robers _ SOTL (
Date: Sun Feb 23 2003 - 22:05:58 EST

On Sunday 23 February 2003 08:49, Andrew Wyatt wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 08:34, Frank Robers _ SOTL wrote:
> > > Get my "traveler" script. I can't recall the last time this has been a
> > > problem, and I've been a Linux notebook user since 1996.
> >
> > It was not an issue before RH 8.0 and MD 9.0. It seems that RH and MD
> > decides to replace Usenet with something else with a lot of GUI stuff
> > which for some reason I can not get to work correctly.
> You've lost me.
Not surprised.

There are basically two major groups on this list.

The first group basically uses distributions like Gentoo, Debian or if they
use RH or MD they can replace the core and can compile the system if they
desire. People like yourself very very knowledgeable people. If they don't
like something they fix it. Most of these people are not going to follow
these postings. They know too much.

Then there is a second are basically defendant on running what cones out of
the box. Yes the can install programs, update, and other items that would
drive any MS user nuts but they are still basically hung with the box set.

Now that would not be too bad except there is two methods of Linux development
is use.

The first is the traditional way. The way the core and most of the other
programs were developed. A posting is made in the morning and obsolete by the
evening with some one else's update. This is the way Linux proper is being

The second method is the way RH, Md, and SuSE are being developed. Now realize
here that all RH, Md, and SuSE really are is installation and configuration
programs to Linux. They are not Linux, just the selection of programs,
installation program and configuration program. These programs are being
developed in the same format as MS. All things are basically keep secrete
until a major big release is put out. Then is there are problems you can down
load the latest updates.

What does this have to do with this? Simple each time a major distribution
comes out RH, Md and SuSE breaks about as much as they accomplish in updates.
Thus you find the x.0 distributions full of hoes.

One of the things that was broken in the latest set of updates was the ability
to connect to multiple ISP. Before there was Usernet. One could configure, as
I did RH 6.1 through 7.3 to allow one to click an icon to connect to the net
by means of modem or eithernet but not both at the same time. It was one or
the other. In RH 7.3 Usernet was replaced but was still there. In RH 8.0 it
was removed.

Likewise Usernet does exist in Md 9.0. It was replaced.

The bottom line is I can configure Md 9.0 for either modem or ethernet but not
both. I certain there is a way but with out a DSL line, a modem connection,
and several hours which may be really be several days I am sure I will never
figure it out. What this is saying that since I don't have DSL at hone I can
only configure modem at home. Since I don't have a modem line at the Tampa
meeting I can only configure DSL there and even if I had access to a modem
and a DSL line at the same time it may tale me as long as a week to figure
out which combination of settings will allow one to connect to ethernet and

For Usernet this setup would take 15 minutes because I know what to do.


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