Re: [SLUG] Copy and paste???

From: Frank Robers _ SOTL (
Date: Sun Feb 23 2003 - 22:36:00 EST

> >As for past well to me you are partly right. It does function. It will cut
> > and past. It just does not do it correctly. For example if you highlight
> > a word copy it and then highlight the word you want to replace "cut &
> > past" does not replaced the highlighted word. Thus 90+% of people will
> > say and argue strongly "cut & past" is broken.
> Huh? You're describing a "replace" function. "Paste" does inserts. You
> highlight text (or whatever), you go to the location (perhaps in another
> window or another program) where you want to put it, you click your #3
> mouse button (or if two buttons, both at the same time) and your
> highlighted info drops into the new place.

It seems as if you don't understand "cut & past".

First lets get on the same wave length here.
The British drive on the left.
I have been told this is because of how medieval nights held the lance.
Personally I could not care less.
The rest of the world drives on the right. This system was based on the French
revolution and the American direct and indirect association with the French
revolution. If I recall history correct this was several centuries after
medieval nights.
Now one system is as good as the other unless you try to use one in place of
the other in the wrong place.

Now lets looks at what we are saying with "cut & past".

There are four actions associated with "cut & past"
1. Highlight and copy to a buffer. (Copy)
2. Highlight and copy to buffer and delet the highlighted data. (Cut)
3. Insert - put the cursor where desired and insert the desired data.
4. Replace the highlighted data.

It works this way in MS, Mac, and certain Unix systems.
It works this way in Star office under Linux and Open Office under Linux.

The replace function is broken in any other program in linux except Open
Office or Star Office.

Why does "cut & past" work in Star Office and Open Office and not the rest of
Linux? Simple "cut and past" in Star Office and Open Office ore program level
function not system level functions.

If fact because of the fact that Star Office and Open Office use program level
functions and not system level functions it is at times very difficult to cut
from another linux program such Konqueror and past directly into Star or Open
office. What you have to do is past to Koffice save the data as test then
open the data in Star or Open Office in one window and then copy it to the
desired location in the desired window. Then again it sometimes works

Point is "cut and past" is severely broken, has been for a number of years,
with the probability of it being fixed anytime in the near term future
extremely remote but without cut and past working correctly CAD will not work
correctly making a Linux box useless to a CAD users which makes Linus intern
useless to an engineering office.


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