Ive had similar problems, It was the network driver for my 3com card. I just ripped it out and let
Redhat reconfigure the system,then reinstalled a 3c905 PCI Card. After that it worked fine.
--- wchast@utilpart.com wrote:
> I installed RH 8.0 on a full sized machine here at the office today.
> I have using RH now for years, and never recall having these problems
> I am seeing now.
> What I see is network links that just run out of juice. I try to link to
> a site, even internal and the browser (either of the ones that comes
> with RH) may or may not load a partial page, then it just sets there
> saying it is loading the page. I look at netstat and see that there
> is a connection established but I may or may not get a page.
> Same goes if I try to do a ftp. It is almost as though something is
> going to sleep somewhere in the network parts of the machine.
> This probably explains part of the slowness I saw when I was
> trying to do vnc2swf on a laptop with RH 8 loaded on it.
> I had network problems with the laptop also. When I try a FTP
> it will many times just become non-responsive, I have to go to
> a command line and get the PID and do a kill -9 on it.
> Anyone see this sort of thing?
> I have never had this much problems with network stuff it usually
> just comes up and runs, but this one really sucks. I have been
> running RH since 4.something.
> Chuck Hast
> Telecomms Consultant, Utility Partners.
> WEB www.utilpart.com
> Office number: 813.282.8828
> C-phone number: 813.765.6743
> E-mail: wchast@utilpart.com
> SMS < 150 characters: 8137656743@mobile.att.net
> To paraphrase my flight instructor;
> "the only dumb question is the one you DID NOT ask resulting in my going out
> and
> having to identify your bits and pieces in the midst of torn and twisted
> metal."
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