On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 13:03, Matt Miller wrote:
> Yeah, they even supply migration tools. Too bad to hear about your
> company -- for some people, no expensive licensing = unreliable product.
Yes I've run into this same mentality. I delivered a proposal to a
company for some work using the LAMP approach and the reason given for
the rejection of my proposal was that my choice of "unreliable open
source products" and "inexpensive is suspect". (I am taking a few
liberties here but that was pretty much the answer.)
Perhaps if I charged exorbant fees and didn't break down my fees in the
proposal to show the low cost open source licensing, but just tack on a
50% "Stupidity charge" I'd get more business. :-)
Russ W
> --
> Russ Wright <rwrigh10@tampabay.rr.com>
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