[SLUG] Back to proposing Linux as a solution.

From: Russell Hires (sollust@earthlink.net)
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 08:58:56 EST

You're right about the stupidity charge. I'll have to send a piece I received
from someone at my company about how to sell Linux to management. My problem
is that it might get considered if I can somehow figure out how to price

In spite of the fact that it's "Free" of cost, it still costs. I don't think
business cares much about the liberty (Libre) part of it. Why they don't care
is a mystery. It's a real head shaker.


On Wednesday 26 February 2003 01:34 pm, you wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 13:03, Matt Miller wrote:
> > Yeah, they even supply migration tools. Too bad to hear about your
> > company -- for some people, no expensive licensing = unreliable product.
> Yes I've run into this same mentality. I delivered a proposal to a
> company for some work using the LAMP approach and the reason given for
> the rejection of my proposal was that my choice of "unreliable open
> source products" and "inexpensive is suspect". (I am taking a few
> liberties here but that was pretty much the answer.)
> Perhaps if I charged exorbant fees and didn't break down my fees in the
> proposal to show the low cost open source licensing, but just tack on a
> 50% "Stupidity charge" I'd get more business. :-)
> Russ W
> > --
> > Russ Wright <rwrigh10@tampabay.rr.com>

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