On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 23:20, Russell Hires wrote:
> Not to start a religious war, but there's also PostgreSQL. It has front ends
> that will run from both Windows and from Linux (though they are different
> programs). They both ultimately connect to the back end server.
Some interesting results from looking at MySQL and PostgreSQL
performance. I have further numbers (not yet documented anywhere) that
show PostgreSQL outperforming MySQL almost across the board on anything
more than a simple "SELECT * FROM" query, and getting further and
further apart the more records you get in the database. (i.e. MySQL
performance degrades faster than PostgreSQL performance with increasing
numbers of records in the db.)
So I would almost certainly pick PostgreSQL, if only because it's more
SQL-compliant than MySQL and still has the performance.
FWIW - I also have tested against Oracle 9i on Linux, which, while
horribly slow when doing straight INSERTs, soundly beats both of them on
SELECT speed and the curve of "query speed versus number of records" is
virtually linear. I stand by my claims that Oracle is truly one of the
few applications you can buy that is worth what you pay for it because
of things like that.
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