Re: [SLUG] Wine/IE6

From: Levi Bard (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 16:27:57 EST

> First problem: The core part of our business is run
> over the web on a SQL server. I'm not real well versed
> with web pages and such, so I can't be real specific.
> However, after trying some things on my own, and
> finally talking with the individual who set it up, the
> whole thing is designed to be run with IE6.I've tried
> Mozilla and Opera, and can't get the pages to load
> correctly. I've not yet tried to use Wine, but will
> see if I can figure it out this weekend, and get IE to
> run on Mandrake.
> ....
> Also, are there any other Linux-compatible browsers
> that may provide more "IE6-like" functionally? I don't
> know if this is a Java function, or what. Sorry I
> can't be more specific. As I said, this is a little

It really depends on the frontend. If it's IE6 only, it might be
vb/vbscript, in which case there's really no solution of which I'm aware
for a native Linux browser. If it's javascript, you should be able to use
your choice of browser. If it's java, ditto, unless there are some
native(non-java) parts to the app.

Do the pages load partially, or not at all? Do you get the "Starting
Java" (or whatever) message with Mozilla? Have you viewed the page


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