Re: [SLUG] A general UNIX question

From: Mike Manchester (
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 05:46:49 EST

But I've also seen it work with one user and not another on the same

It works in my ksh on our company system, but it won't work on for a
co-worker running the same shell on the same system just a different

Mike M>

On Sun, 2003-03-23 at 10:20, Mark Polhamus wrote:
> Mike Manchester wrote:
> > Why is it that on some systems the following will allow you use vi
> > keymappings to edit the command line?
> >
> > set -o vi
> >
> > And on other systems (of the same vendor) that command will return an
> > error?
> >
> > I'm guessing something like an env variable needs set, but comparing a
> > working system with a non working systems doesn't turn up anything. vi
> > is on both systems.
> It is specific to the shell you are using, and the version of the shell (older
> ones might not have it?). For tcsh it's "bindkey -v", bash "set -o vi".
> I might be wrong, but I think that at a lower level it is usually handled by
> the readline() library function. If that is the case, you might not get
> command line editing if libreadline is missing.
> -- Mark Polhamus

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