--- "Maureen L. Thomas" <res1ydl9@verizon.net> wrote:
> This is a really dumb question but - do I have to
> use DNS to use my DSL.
Maybe.... if you are specifying the mail server, and
perhaps other servers as a human readable name .. ie.
incoming.verizon.net then you will use Verizons
DNS(, to translate those names.
> I have been connecting but occasionally it will
> just go down and I have
> to reconfigure everything in Linuxconfig and reboot
> to get it back. I'm
> using Mandrake 9.0 with Verizon DSL. This is all
> new to me so be
> patient.
I tried RoaringPenguin's PPPOE but it
-- this is not needed. Setup for Verizon is exactly
like setting up your machine on a local lan. ie.
choose to configure eth0 by DHCP, and let Mandrake do
the work. This is the only option for user based DSL.
It is possible to set up a connection manually, but
it would require a static IP (if not configure
dynamically then you would be using services from DSL
that are not granted you in your contract).
> doesn't work and
> Linuxconfig keeps giving me an error message for it.
> But the directions
> for RP PPPOE mentions setting up DNS and I was under
> the impression that
> I only needed it if I was set up as a server, which
> I'm not. I am a
> little confused on the server issue as you can tell.
> Your help is
> greatly appreciated. Maureen
Any program that sits on a TCP/IP port and serves(ie
listens for connections) is techinically a server. A
user based dsl connection should be configured to use
the services provided by Verizon (DHCP, Mail, News,
Web, FTP.. etc. You can run servers also, but your IP
address will change about once a month.
Good Luck,
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