On Monday 02 June 2003 22:01, steve wrote:
> I've not visited his link so I don't know what is going on, but if
> he's not given authorization for you to login to his website you
> are actually in violation of federal law.
His website was down. He probably removed his index.html and the apache server
is setup not to do auto-indexing (which is wise).
I wouldn't worry about breaking any federal law. Even if you are personally
challenged with a login, there is nothing wrong with clicking cancel to avoid
attempting access to a given site.
> Since it came into effect I only do remote work once I've received
> written authorization.
Best practices generally suggest thorough CYA documentation.
In our litigious society today it's a wonder we get anything accomplished.
> Remember the law is blind and judges has to follow them within the
> scope they are given.
Letter of the law vs the spirit of the law. The eternal battle for justice.
-- - Ian C. Blenke <icblenke@nks.net>(This message bound by the following: http://www.nks.net/email_disclaimer.html)
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