Re: [SLUG] Suncoast LUG Meetings

From: R.G. Mayhue (
Date: Wed May 19 2004 - 09:23:33 EDT

On Tuesday 18 May 2004 11:44 pm, Chad Perrin wrote:
> Paul M Foster wrote:
> >>Is it my imagination, or is the slug-announce list wholly redundant for
> >>people that are on this list?
> >
> >Well, yes. Announcements are posted on both lists because some people
> >aren't on the announce list. It's possible I could announce something on
> >the announce list and not echo it to the main list. But normally not.
> Considering the amount of email I already get, I don't think redundant
> mailings are something I'm going to be able to deal with. I'll just
> catch 'em here and hope I don't miss anything, I suppose.
> Should I take the lack of enthusiastic responses to the other part of my
> email about meetings to mean that there isn't much attendance to the NPR
> meetings?

I suppose some of the people that attend the NPR mettings are not on this list
and I usually end up playing catch up here (mostly in the evenings) so I may
not respond right away.

I'm just to busy with my job at a small hosting company here in NPR to monitor
this list during the day. But thats a story for another time...

The attendance at the NPR meetings has gone up and down over the months but
the average attendance is about 5 or so but the past few months attendance
has been up a little.

To be honest... If you're looking for large attendance, raffles and
presentations you probably won't enjoy yourself. Its usually just a few linux
geeks and newbies helping each other and talking linux for a few hours on a
Saturday afternoon.

I started the NPR meetings about four years or so ago (its hard to believe its
been that long) and the meetings have always been that way. In the beginning
I had dreams of it becoming much more than it is but in reality I found that
my time to devote to it has become less and less so its probably my fault the
attendance is at the levels it is but it seems to stay fairly consistant.

Since you live in NPR would you be interrested in helping with the meetings?

And on that note...

I think I speak for Paul and all the other meeting hosts here... ANYONE who
wants to help with any of the meetings. Presentations etc. please step up.
These meetings are what WE make them and nothing more. Most of us have jobs
to do and the daily grind keeps us all pretty busy so any help in this area
is always welcome.

Just remember though... any ideas you have should come with action... we get
plenty of things like "we should do this" and "we should do that" but not
much in the way of people willing to do it. The meeting hosts can't do
everything themselves.

Hope I didn't get too carried away there ;-)

- Rob
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