In response to the survey, I only use Linux these days. My laptop is running SuSE 9.1 and the web server at home is running FC1 ( I have even gotten my parents and brother to use Linux (on 64 bit!) I have used Linux exclusively since I graduated high school two years ago and have not had any problems throughout college so far. has been my office suite and it has enabled me to view MS Office files the professors make available to students. In fact, I have been more prepared for my chemistry major than other students thanks to available open source chemsitry applications on the web. I was a bit scared at first, I admit, going a 100% Linux route, especially after the network admins at the university where unwilling to give me any support on how to actually connect to the university network (they were smart enough to install various security features). At any rate, I got it to work without their help and have been (so far) probably the only pers
on on campus who got spared by the various viruses and trojan horses that have wreaked havoc on hundreds of other machines. I intent to keep it that way =)
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