On 6/22/05, Robin 'Roblimo' Miller <robin@roblimo.com> wrote:
> Levi Bard wrote:
> >I read this a few days ago.
> >
> >It lost all credibility at this point: "BSD powers two of the best
> >operating systems in the world--Solaris from Sun Microsystems..."
> >
> Lyons takes the most provocative quotes, and his research.... let's just
> say he couldn't work for me. Here's a more reasoned article -- after we
> interviewed Linus about BSD, NewsForge obviously interviewed some high
> profile BSD people:
> http://os.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/06/09/2132233&tid=152&tid=8&tid=2
> Unlike the Forbes yammer, this didn't get submitted to Slashdot or
> linked all over the place. I am an idiot, trying to run a sane, fair,
> and truthful news site. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. Better to just
> be inflammatory and stupid.
> There's more popularlity and money in it.
No you are not. Keep up the good work. That is all we need another info
source going over to yellow journalism...
Sad thing is that the second part about the more money is true to a extent.
People are shallow and only interested in a fight, not the truth. I do not
think they really care how the fight comes out as long as the get to see
some blood spilt...
But you have the option of the digital equivalent to what you see at the
supermarket checkout counter or truthful site.
Why do you not see say 'The Economist' at the check out counter, indeed
it is hard to find 'The Economist' in the magazine section, but in my view a
much better mag than time/newsweek and the whole bunch tossed together.
Your work in my view is like the above magazine good solid and try to get
a proper view on things.
Keep up the good fight, you will win, maybe not with the speed you
desire but you get my vote.
-- Chuck Hast To paraphrase my flight instructor; "the only dumb question is the one you DID NOT ask resulting in my going out and having to identify your bits and pieces in the midst of torn and twisted metal."----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
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