>> Last week a perfectly good Fedora Core 3 install went South.
>> The print config dialog box took ten min. to come up. Each mouse click
took ten min. to take.
>> Then the logout dialog box took 10 min to come up also. Do these two have
anything in common?
Yes. These symptoms suggest "slow" rather than "broken". I suspect your
network connection to the printer times out.
Check your BIOS settings and see if they automagically changed. If it reset
to defaults, your cpu could be running at a fraction of it's rated speed.
See how much RAM the OS tells you it sees. Does the hard drive read/write
all the time? Could be an indication of the system thrashing due to lack of
RAM (running off virtual memory rather than RAM).
If a live CD runs the same as your installed distro, it would suggest a
hardware issue. If your HDD is failing, you could be seeing constant
retries as the reason it takes so long, but eventually works.
My problem solving methodology: I try to slice the problem in two, and
eliminate one of the two. Then I split the remainder, and so on.
Good luck...
Ken Elliott
-----Original Message-----
From: slug@nks.net [mailto:slug@nks.net] On Behalf Of John Brown
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 7:18 PM
To: slug@nks.net
Subject: [SLUG] Before I buy another MOBO
Hello Sluggers,
Annoying event:
Last week a perfectly good Fedora Core 3 install went South. The system lost
the connection with the network shared printer.
The print config dialog box took ten min. to come up. Each mouse click took
ten min. to take. After two hour of messing, it still failed to find the
network shared printer.
Then the logout dialog box took 10 min to come up also. Do these two have
anything in common?
Browser connects to Internet and local net fine.
Local net and Internet pings fine.
nmap from ailing box shows printer port open on shared printer no errors in
logs -that I find so far
Re-install FC3 x2 - same behavior
Install FC4 - same behavior
Tried Linspire 5.0 Live CD - print dialogs work but print config fails.
Changed memory - same behavior
Changed power supply: 240 watt to a mew 350 watt - same behavior
What to do next before I buy a new MOBO? --John
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