On Friday 11 November 2005 11:27 am, Bill Shaw wrote:
> On 11/11/05, SOTL <sotl155360@earthlink.net> wrote:
> > On Thursday 10 November 2005 05:22 pm, chris lee wrote:
> > > sony started cowtowing when people found out there was a rootkit, they
> > > released a tool to remove it.
> >
> > Not really if the latest news is correct.
> >
> > What Sony released was a means of contacting Sony so that you could
> > remove parts of the root kit if and only if you supply Sony with your
> > personal info,
> > where you purchased the CD, name of CD, and CD's ID which required CD to
> > be
> >
> > in computer. Then and only then would Sony remove part of the root kit.
> > The
> >
> > repart that was not being removed was the reporting back to Sony that you
> > were or were not playing their music.
> >
> > Personally I do not know if the preceding is correct but it is what I
> > recall
> >
> > reading yesterday.
> >
> > Frank
> I actually filled out the form to see what I'd get back. Here's what I
> got:
> Thank you for contacting Sony BMG Online.
> Sony BMG and First 4 Internet have just released an update that will
> completely remove the rootkit based DRM content protection software
> and replace it with a non-rootkit DRM technology that is compatible
> with all current security protocols. To ensure the security of your
> system, please visit their software update website to obtain and
> install Service Pack 2 at:
> http://updates.xcp-aurora.com
> If after this update, you still wish to uninstall our software, please
> visit the form below using the computer where the software is
> currently installed and you will be emailed an uninstall link within 1
> business day (M-F).
> http://cp.sonybmg.com/xcp/english/form9.html
> Your "Case ID" is: 3373122.
> TIP: Our uninstall request form will require a small ActiveX plug-in
> (from First 4 Internet). Be sure to also temporarily turn off any
> pop-up blocker software. Although a non-ActiveX process is in
> development, currently, our online process is the only option.
> Should you prefer to wait for the next uninstallation version,
> one is due to be released later this month at:
> http://cp.sonybmg.com/xcp/english/updates.html
> Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance.
> The Sony BMG Online Support Team
> CC2X
It is still growing.
1. News articles are indicating that removal of root kit removes read write
ability of CD burners.
2. Sony appears to be back peddling by saying no future CD will be so
manufactured. This of course raises the question of what they are going to do
with their existing stock.
3. Microsoft has announced that their next up date on security issues will
scan for and remove Sony's root kit.
I would not bother posting this here except the issues raised are very
fundamental to the on line world. Who owns the right to the operating system
on your hardware?
Does a third party have the right to change your operating system, destroy it,
or open it to attack simply because thy are a big corporation?
If I recall postings and articles on Gorklaw correctly [I am not a lawyer and
this is as close to law as I would like to get.] if some one commits a
criminal act against or with you and you have committed a criminal act
against or with you them then neither party can sue the other for the alleged
criminal act or consequences of the act. Now how does this play with Sony who
is a major supporter of RIAA and MPAA and the people being sued by RIAA and
MPAA for P2P piracy?
Also, if when one buys musically legitimately, can a company limit the number,
type, or OS that one can use to listen to the music?
I don't expect or desire this issue to become of such importance that it
dominates this BB for days but this is growing. It will especially grow if
and when Sony's conduct is firmly tied to RIAA conduct in the main stream
press. Suing 10 years olds for downloading music and calling it piracy while
selling music CD with programs included that will trash one computer if
played. And from what I read on one BB there is more in relation to what this
root kit really does.
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