[SLUG] Networking

From: VT (vt1@gte.net)
Date: Tue Nov 20 2001 - 01:07:13 EST

Second thing I'm trying to get straight. I have a Win98 and a Linux
workstation and a machine I'm setting up as a server for email, file
sharing, internal Apache-PHP testbed / learning system, and some flavor of
SQL database. I'm trying to find out what the best method of networking
the machines together is. The Win98 and Linux workstations probably don't
have to communicate with each other if I can get them both to talk to the
server (and set up a printer on the server so both machines can print to it).

I understand SAMBA probably is my best bet for the file sharing and print
sharing between the server and Win98 box using a peer-to-peer model. What
would the equivalent method be with the Linux workstation and the Linux server?

Again assistance, comments would be helpful.



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