Odd. Here is a clear case of YMMV. I have found that if you are not going
to rely on broadcasts that it is a Good Idea to make the linux server the
master browser and to disable the ability of all windows boxes to become a
browser, master or otherwise.
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Ian C. Blenke" <icblenke@nks.net>
I've found that using samba as a master browser (or a browser at all for
that matter) is generally a Bad Idea. To disable samba from ever
becoming a master browser of any kind, add the following to your
domain master = no
local master = no
preferred master = no
os level = 0
Then make sure your win98 box is enabled as the master browser.
Hope this helps.
- Ian C. Blenke <ian@blenke.com> <icblenke@nks.net>
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