[SLUG] Penguin in my Pocket Project

From: ethan zimmerman (ethan@ethanzimmerman.com)
Date: Mon Feb 24 2003 - 22:21:14 EST

Penguin in my Pocket Project

Project Summary:
1. I want to be able to carry a linux environment in my wallet,
   so that I can use it on any computer.
2. I want to be able to use these programs (in order of importance).
    - bash
    - gnome
    - gedit
    - penggy (a small program to dial into AOL if necessary)
    - gftp
    - galeon
    - evolution
    - gaim
    - xmms
3. I want it to fit on a mini-cd (185mb)
   or possibly a business-card-cd (50mb) for added cool factor

1. will all these programs fit on the aforementioned cd media?
2. I know there are howtos on remastering knoppix,
   but will these cover how to replace KDE with Gnome?

Any answers, help, links or general conversation about this matter are
welcome on or off-list, Thank You


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