Re: [SLUG] Penguin in my Pocket Project

From: Ian C. Blenke (
Date: Tue Feb 25 2003 - 08:19:25 EST

On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 10:21:14PM -0500, ethan zimmerman wrote:
> Penguin in my Pocket Project
> Project Summary:
> 1. I want to be able to carry a linux environment in my wallet,
> so that I can use it on any computer.
> 2. I want to be able to use these programs (in order of importance).
> - bash
> - gnome
> - gedit
> - penggy (a small program to dial into AOL if necessary)
> - gftp
> - galeon
> - evolution
> - gaim
> - xmms

The libraries for Gnome alone may push you over the top. The biggies
here are galeon and evolution, and anything linked against those

> 3. I want it to fit on a mini-cd (185mb)
> or possibly a business-card-cd (50mb) for added cool factor

Now a Linux VPN CDR on the other hand.. THAT would be fun to have. If I
could get a robust X11 server and VPN/tunnelling clients running on a
BBC, it would be great to pull up a VNC session through most firewalls.
(via IP over DNS, IP over HTTP, and other tunnelling techniques)

> Questions:
> 1. will all these programs fit on the aforementioned cd media?

Everything is possible. You may end up with a compressed filesystem and
*only* the above mentioned tools, whittled down to save space (linked
against fewer "features" libraries).

> 2. I know there are howtos on remastering knoppix,
> but will these cover how to replace KDE with Gnome?

I hadn't looked into remastering a knoppix CD. If there's a guide, it
might be worth following to get the hang of creating your own
bootable distribution.

- Ian

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