Re: [SLUG] Copy and paste???

From: Mike Manchester (
Date: Tue Feb 25 2003 - 01:54:18 EST

Well Frank, I must disagree with you here. I've been off the list for
two weeks trying to get a Debian install to work on a Desktop machine
with an Nvidia chip set. Redhat installs and works just fine with this
machine. But I wrestled with Debian for two weeks and could not get X to
work. I even tried using a XF86Config-4 from a working Redhat system. I
tried installing the drivers from Nvidia. But for some reason I couldn't
compile them as the compiler I was using was not the compiler used to
compile the Kernel, so the error message said. Go figure!

I have Debian running on my IBM 760XL ThinkPad and Love it I only wish I
could get it to work on this desktop machine.
So in some cases the choice for Redhat vs. Debian maybe that Redhat
works and Debian doesn't.
I'm a little bitter with Debian at this point. Even using the factory
specs for Hz and Vert sync and the nv driver I couldn't get Debian to
work on this machine.

Mike M.

On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 08:34, Frank Robers _ SOTL wrote:
> > Get my "traveler" script. I can't recall the last time this has been a
> > problem, and I've been a Linux notebook user since 1996.
> It was not an issue before RH 8.0 and MD 9.0. It seems that RH and MD decides
> to replace Usenet with something else with a lot of GUI stuff which for some
> reason I can not get to work correctly.
> This basic issue is what has sowered me so on RH, SuSE, and Mandrake. They fix
> something, make it work great, and then break it in the next publication and
> the deny that it is broken with the excuse that you can always write a script
> to do what you want as if everyone knew everything. I may be a very good
> power systems engineer but I am not a good computer engineer. so writing
> scripts to fix what worked in one edition and is broken in sequential
> editions is not highly feasible. In fact the evasion of writing these scripts
> and the ease of configuration is the only reason one would purchase RH, MD,
> and SuSE instead of downloading Debian or installing Gentoo.
> Frank

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