I understand you frustration but you simply do not understand
economies. You have conflicting references in you statements. You
stated that the corps want only to s**** the "stockholders" and then
later you state that they should be terminated if the stock goes below a
stated value.
What you fail to understand is that the stockholders "own" the company
and if they do not make a good return on their investment they will
'bail' and the price of the stock will fall and if it falls enough they
will not be able to secure loans to meet day to day expenses. That
would simply result in default on notes and eventual bankruptcy and the
elimination of many jobs. Now,, in order to keep their stock prices
attractively high, they need to make a profit and that is the catch22.
In order to make a profit in a competitive society they need to buy low
and sell high ( in simple terms) and a large part of that price is the
cost of labor. If others in the community are using lower priced labor
then they will loose a competitive edge on prices if they do not follow
the same procedure for lowering prices (ie offshore labor).
What is happening internationally is that all economies are seeking new
levels in their standard of living based on current and future economic
realities. As the rest of the world raises their standard of living for
their workforce, the wages will also raise. At the same time our
workforce is going through a downward trend in terms of wages. These
two will meet, and establish equilibrium and jobs then will be more
equally distributed. This will not be fast, just the opposite.
Sorry to say it but we in for a lifetime of difficulties as far a jobs
and wages are concerned. My suggestion for those of you who are
approaching total frustration is to find a career that is immune to
offshore piracy. Look to those things that are done locally that cannot
be done offshore. Nurses, teachers, all the building trades, or look
at starting your own business. The service industry is still growing.
We need people who work with their hands. Oops bad word. Work with
your hands.
How many "white" guys do you see in the fields picking crops? None.
They are all south of the border workers and if it was not for them we
would go hungry and the grocery stores would be empty of produce. My
hat goes off to our south of the border workforce. I have seen them toil
for days making wages that we would never settle for. We would not be
caught dead picking tomatoes... Or would we? I doubt it. Actually to
eat, I would pick tomatoes. Would you?
I am afraid we have gotten ourselves into the mindset of only wanting
the cleanest and best paying 'jobs'. And they are disappearing. This
is a new world folks, get used to it.
Time to end this diatribe on economies,,
Michael C. Rock
Systems Analyst
Registered Linux User # 287973
"The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things,,"
"Christians give up what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot lose"
-----Original Message-----
From: slug@nks.net [mailto:slug@nks.net] On Behalf Of Jon Maguire
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:50 AM
To: slug@nks.net
Subject: Re: [SLUG] I.B.M. Explores Shift of White-Collar Jobs Overseas
Declare CEOs and other executives "economic terrorists". Since there
is nothing but self enrichment (s***w the employees, stockholders,
customers), they
need to be "eliminated", before they finish their destruction of the
economy. CEOs should not be allowed to make more that 10 times the
wage. And, they should have in their contracts that they should be
terminated *without* further compensation if the stock goes goes down by
x%. No more golden parachutes. Too bad this won't happen in our
At 07:03 PM 7/22/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>"During the call, I.B.M's top employee relations executives said that
>three million service jobs were expected to shift to foreign workers
>by 2015 and that I.B.M. should move some of its jobs now done in the
>United States, including software design jobs, to India and other
>Enough already of this crap! This is pouring money into the toilet!
>We have over 8 million unemployed right now this will not end till
>with a voice loud enough can say stop it!
>Which will never happen people have to take a stand.
Jon Maguire
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